I came upon a blog: bozoette.typepad.com. She has a Friday Love List where she mentions every thing that she is thankful for. Tonight there was an advertisement for the Larry King Show. He's having Paula Dean on. I remarked out loud, "Is she bringing butter?" and before the words were out of my mouth, there on the screen was a snowman made out of butter, and she said, "Does anyone have any buddah?" How can we get delight out of things that don't do ourselves? Gratuitous butter shots.
So what would be on my love list this week?
I love:
1. Watching Paula Dean cook. In another life, I wish she had been my mother.
2. I am in love with pinecones this winter.
3. Helping friends set up Etsy sites.
4. Making coloring books using Photoshop to give as gifts and playing with all my photographs and thinking about what my friends and family will like.
5. Life Boat tea.
6. Getting free gift cards for transferring prescriptions.
7. Block printed Christmas cards.
8. Popcorn made on the stove. mmmmm.